Natus neoBLUE®
Phototherapy Blanket
Intensive Phototherapy in a soft & flexible design
The neoBLUE® blanket system is positioned underneath the baby to deliver phototherapy via a blue LED light source and fiberoptic blanket.
Proven to be the most effective degradation of bilirubin.
Meets AAP guidelines for intensive phototherapy
The neoBLUE® blanket system meets AAP Guidelines for intensive, efficacious phototherapy
Delivers intensive phototherapy: >30 µW/cm2/nm
Utilizes blue light emitting diode (LED) technology. The LED emits blue light in the 450 – 475 nm spectrum — matching the peak absorption wavelength (458 nm) at which bilirubin is broken down1
Surface Area Coverage:
Delivers phototherapy over a larger effective treatment area than other fiberoptic devices
The neoBLUE® LED does not emit light in the ultraviolet (UV) range — reducing the potential risk of skin damage
The neoBLUE® LED does not emit light in the infrared radiation (IR) range — reducing the potential risk of fluid loss
Device automatically shuts off in the event of light box overheating
Flashing indicator light alerts user to check for blocked air vents
Designed For Comfort and Support
Streamlined, oval design conforms to the shape of the baby
Large and small blanket sizes available
Mattress provides comfortable cushioning underneath the infant
Disposable mattress covers ensure clean, soft surface for baby
Blanket rolls or bumpers can be used as desired for added positioning and cushioning around the baby
A blanket can be used in conjunction with the neoBLUE® blanket for added warmth and comfort
Baby can be held or nursed without interrupting phototherapy, encouraging infant-parent bonding
Ideal For Use In The NICU, Well-Baby Nursery, or Mother’s Room
Portable and lightweight design allows transport to different locations
Blanket/pad fits easily within existing patient enclosures, such as cribs, bassinets, radiant warmers and incubators