Natus neoBLUE®
Mini Phototherapy Light
Conserving space, not intensity.
The neoBLUE mini system provides all the benefits of blue LED technology in a more portable and compact size.
Most Effective Degradation of Bilirubin.
Meets AAP guidelines for intensive phototherapy
Delivers intensive phototherapy for thousands of hours: > 30 µW/cm2/nm
Emits blue light in the 450 - 470 nm spectrum - matching the peak absorption wavelength (458 nm) at which bilirubin is broken down
neoBLUE LEDs do not emit light in the ultraviolet (UV) range - reducing the potential risk of skin damage
neoBLUE LEDs do not emit light in the infrared radiation (IR) range - reducing the potential risk of fluid loss
Designed for Multiple Configurations & Patient Care Settings
Mounts easily onto radiant warmers or incubators - ideal in locations with limited space
Can be configured to cover various surface areas
Provides uniform coverage over defined treatment area
Use one light for small premature babies, or two lights for expanded coverage.